Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday night in

Today it poured cats and dogs all day. I loved it! When I got home from work I went to Blockbuster and picked up a movie. I came home, made some tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich and settled in for movie night!

This week was rather uneventful as far as the men are concerned. The Saturday night "hook-up" never called. Neither did Brent. But, I have still been emailing with the other guy from the bar on MySpace. He gave me his number today in an email. I'm not sure what my next move is.

An unexpected call came in on Thursday night though. I was down at my parents' house watching my beloved Packers when my phone rings. It was a guy that I had a crush on from 21 on. We kept crossing paths and finally dated for about a 6 month stint through the summer of 2005. Great guy, gorgeous, and lots of fun. Anyways, he called to ask me about the Packers game and suggested that we get together and hang out sometime. One, he still has my roadside emergency kit from when we went to San Felipe, and two it'd be cool to hang out, like I said he's a good guy. No funny business here though, he's got a girlfriend! It'll be good to see an old friend.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I haven't talked to Brent since Monday when we were talking about going out for a beer on Wednesday night. Well, it's Wednesday and still no call. He does appear to be busy, running in and out of the office with a client, and he's all dressed up in a suit, so he probably has court. But still, that's why I gave him my number right? So he could call me!? Guess not.

The other call that I was sort of expecting was from my Saturday night hook-up. But still no word from him either. I asked my friends husband about him today. He said that the hook-up hasn't mentioned anything, but they've been really busy at work. His advice was to wait a couple weeks, and call him if I haven't heard from him, ask him if he wants to hang out.

The third... the guy from the bar that asked for my number but I only gave him my MySpace. We've been emailing back and forth, he seems like a nice guy, and I don't know, I'm thinking I should go out with him. What do you think?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

An interesting Saturday night

Saturday was my best friend's birthday so a little group of us went out to celebrate. I had a blast! It was interesting because I apparently had my single sign on... 1) I was approached by a random guy in the bar, who asked for my number, but since I wouldn't give it to him I gave him my MySpace instead. (The world we live in huh?) 2) Kurt is back at it apparently, I got a random text asking me to go out with him as "more than friends". I didn't respond. 3) Another friend of our group decided it would be a good night to play the jealous boyfriend to try and pick up on me? I don't know what that was about. 4) I hooked up with someone whom I had made out with on New Years a couple of years ago. Craziness. I hope that the "hook up" actually calls me though. I actually like him, he's fun and a good guy. It seems like he likes me, but who knows.

Wednesday is supposed to be my rescheduled meeting with Brent. I postponed last week, there was just too much going on already. We'll see. I can't figure out if this man is interested in me or not. He's so wish-washy, but damn he's hot!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Too tired

I e-mailed my professor this afternoon to tell her that I wouldn't be in class tonight. I'm too tired. In fact I think I'm going to go to bed here pretty soon. Plus, I get to avoid 702Creep. This guy from Las Vegas who I think likes me, he's weird, and sort of creepy. I only have one class left, on Saturday, and that's only for the test. I can't wait for this week to be over.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Too much going on

Today is Monday, so let me back up a little.
Friday, Brent stopped to hassle me a bit on his way out of his office somewhere. It was 3:15 and I was still at work. Yes, I work until 3:45. At any rate it made me smile that he popped by to flirt with me. On my way out of the office at 3:45 he was on his way back into the building. We caught each other's eye and connected to chit-chat and flirt some more. He asked if I had spoken to my ex lately (with whom he knows) I told him not really, that we don't really talk much. "So you guys aren't back together yet?" No. We're not, and that's not going to happen. To which he responded that he'd like to take me out for a beer again if I was interested. SIGH. Yes, of course I was interested. We talked about doing something the following week, Thanksgiving week, now, this week.
Today, this morning, my grandfather passed away. At 2:35 a.m. actually. It has been a hard day. Tomorrow I have class, and in the days to come I have lots of studying to do along with a paper to write. Not to mention my best friend's birthday. This has already been a crazy week and it's only Monday.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

A night in

That's right, another night in. And this time all by myself, and I'm loving it. I rented a couple of movies from Blockbuster - where, by the way, I had to finally get my own Blockbuster card, I don't think I've rented a movie by myself, ever. I picked up some La Salsa for dinner, came home and ate in front of the TV while I watched "Friends With Money". Oh. My. God. It was seriously like watching a two hour Cymbalta commercial. It was strange, and uncomfortable, and sort of depressing. I would not recommend this movie to anyone I like. Next up: "Notes on a Scandal".

Friday, November 2, 2007

Two notes...

On Halloween I was taking my brother's girlfriend to her best friend's house to pick up a costume when she needed to use my phone to call my brother. She opened it up and searched through the "R"s and said "Who's that!?" So, I got to talking about my past as a crazy dater. Reminiscing of sorts, it was fun thinking back to my hey-days, a whopping two years ago! I used to get asked out left and right, it was fun!

The other note was that I was at the bank yesterday and while waiting in the merchant teller area a gentleman who was also sitting waiting for assistance tried to strike up a conversation. We were making polite small talk when my turn came up. After my transaction, I turned and said goodbye, he asked for my card. I don't have cards, I'm a receptionist, I told him the best way to get in touch with me was my e-mail. I think it's funny that I didn't want to even give him my phone number! He still jumped at the opportunity. Just something that made me smile, thinking back to my hey-days again.