Saturday, May 21, 2011

One is one too many...

One more is never enough.

This Friday night is not unlike any other heartbroken night I've spent before, it just seems to be kind of a delayed reaction to things.

Jason and I have not been together for five weeks now. At first, it wasn't so hard because of his schedule, I just felt like he was working and I was just staying busy. Too busy to realize what happened. Now though? Now I miss him like crazy. And as I type this, I can't stop crying. I'm actually crying so hard I can't get any air in through my nose, and there's a steady stream of tears flowing down my cheeks.

It takes a lot for me not to call him. It takes a lot for me to not contact him at all, even if it's all I can think about and all I want to do. Right now being a "strong woman" sucks. It's about the hardest thing to do and be.

I thought he was the one. Why am I so bad at choosing men? I can't ever seem to find one who wants the same thing I want at the same time. In fact, I'm really good at picking the opposite.

I just needed to get some thoughts out. I really need to calm down and get some sleep though.