Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I forgot to tell you...

A couple weeks ago I went to a bar called Hamilton's with Kurt (as friends, nothing more, don't worry). He said he had someone that he wanted me to meet actually. I wasn't doing anything, and sort of feeling like I was in a slump I agreed and hung out for the night. The guy that Kurt wanted me to meet was PJ. He is 37, and seemed like a nice enough guy. He's a little aggressive, but I've been able to keep him in check thus far. PJ didn't seem very interested in me until his friend Blair started showing more and more interest in me as the night went on. I had a really good time hanging out with Kurt and the guys. I ended up giving my number to both Blair and PJ. I went out to dinner with PJ the next day. We got some Thai food and went back to his house and watched "Office Space". He was cool. We had a pretty good time, he's obviously interested in me... but beyond physical interest, that remains to be seen. He was out of town all last week, and just got back last night. He was very good about texting, calling or IMing me while he was away which I thought was nice, considering he was out of town. But, since I had plans with Tate tonight, and he has a friend coming in from San Francisco tomorrow looks like he and I won't get to hang out until I get back from Tahoe. He keeps trying though. Telling me I should come over tonight. Good thing it was raining and I had an easy cop out there, I really didn't want to just go "hang out" at his house. I'm not dumb. I know he doesn't want to just sit and talk with me and get to know the real Lily. Men and their one track minds.

Last night and tonight

Last night Jeff came to get me around 7 I guess. We went to TGIFridays and had some food, talked over dinner, laughed, had a good time. Then we went to see "Juno". It was a cute movie, good, funny lines all over the place, I really liked it. Poor Jeff was so tired though. I'm really glad we got to hang out though before I left town for the weekend. I would totally love for something more to happen there. I'm just not sure where he stands and I'm not willing to put all my "eggs in one basket" so to speak.

I met Tate tonight. He was as cute as his pictures on eHarmony. He was very polite, seemed like a really nice guy. I don't know that there were sparks, but I would hang out with him again if called. We were going to meet at BJ's, but when I got there, he called and said that it looked really busy, and asked if I wanted to just go to TGIFriday's instead. Sure. It's pretty funny that I've eaten at the same place two nights in a row with two different guys though. And I'm not even a big Friday's fan, it's just that it's close and easy I guess. Anyways, we talked over dinner, and then went on our seperate ways for the night.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I called him. I couldn't take it. He answered sounding stressed out. He's been swamped at work, he's still there in fact. He's trying to wrap things up right now. Poor guy. We may have to reschedule. To be continued...

Sitting, waiting...

It's been a while since I've posted and lots has happened and not happened. I've been communicating with some pretty cool guys on eHarmony. I'm actually going to meet one, Tate, tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it. He's a cutie and seems pretty cool. In the meantime however, Jeff reappeared last week. We spoke on the phone on Monday and went out on Friday. We had a great time. Of course. We always did/do. I went snowboarding with some friends on Saturday, Sunday was a disappointing playoff day, and Monday (yesterday) Jeff called. We talked for a little bit, and he asked if I was doing anything tomorrow (today now). I said no. We decided to go out. Yes!! I'm way to excited about him, and I know this. Well, here I sit, 6:06pm, ready for a date and I haven't heard from him. Am I being stood up? Did he forget about me? What's going on? Moments of insecurity. Good times. This is not a good feeling. I don't know what's going on. I'll report back later...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A new chapter

Today I signed up for eHarmony. I decided to give it a shot, to try it out for 3 months. I'm just not meeting new people. I don't have single girlfriends to go out with anymore and I'm definitely not meeting anyone worthwhile at work! I don't have the social network I used to, and the people I am meeting aren't the type of people I want to be in relationships with necessarily so it's time for a new chapter in my life.
When talking to my friends about it everyone seems to think it's a great idea and they say "you have nothing to lose". It doesn't mean I'm not nervous about it, but I'm giving it a shot and I'm kind of excited about it!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

I went to Arizona for the long new year's weekend. One of my best girl friends lives out in Chandler. I went to visit her and ring in the new year Arizona-style. I had a blast! No boy stories to share really, but had a really good time out there. I hadn't heard from Jeff since he met up with me nearly two weeks ago now. I text him on Christmas, and got a text back. And then I left him a message on his birthday. He finally called me back on Sunday when I was out with Maria Lyn at a sports bar watching football. We chatted for a bit, but I had to cut the conversation short because it was cold out, and I felt rude being outside while my friend was inside. I have to admit it was nice to talk to him though. I told him that I'd call him once I got back into town. I suck at this game, I don't know what's going on. I really thought that he liked me and wanted to date again. I just don't want to play second fiddle again. I've been there before, I don't want to be back there again.